Monday, June 24, 2013

Mer, Monday.

Well,  its Monday. Back to work for me! Not too  much happened over the weekend. In fact, my only plans for the weekend were to go to the grocery store to stock up on healthy food for this week. I didn't make it Saturday and was too lazy to go yesterday. Soooooo, this morning I was really counting on the cafeteria at work to be serving something healthy. I was WRONG. Usually they have at least some kind of bland chicken dish and steamed vegetables. Nope, not today. Today's selections included pot roast junk and some gravy covered chinese stir fry. Neither very appetizing or healthy. I should have gotten something from the salad bar, but instead I opted for a chicken sandwhich and fried mushrooms from the "guilty pleasures" section of the cafeteria (as I like to call it). After I finished my lunch, I actually felt pretty gross. I've been trying to give my body the right kind of fuel lately so maybe this is a sign that its starting to work. I guilty for starting out the week by "cheating" on my diet already but I'm not going to use it as an excuse to put off healthy eating any longer.

I'm headed to the store after work to do the grocery shopping that I had planned to do last weekend. I'm getting the ingredients for two Pinterest recipes that I want to try, Refrigerator Oatmeal and "World's Best Chicken" My boyfriend is coming over for dinner tomorrow and I'm going to make the chicken. My culinary skills sometimes leave something to be desired so the end results of these recipes should be interesting. I'll post pics of the finished products.

Friday, June 21, 2013

First Post

It's Thursday and I'm ready for the weekend. I'm really not into this work week for some reason. Probably because I've been trying to diet and eat healthy all week, which translates to grumpy hangry Megan.

For those of you who don't already know, hangry means hungry and angry, which describes my mood most of the time.

I've been gradually trying to ease myself into clean eating. This is actually really hard for me because my current eating habits are really not "clean" at all. But, I'm working on it. The hardest thing so far, is eliminating pop (soda). I am addicted to Diet cola. This includes Diet Coke, Diet Pepsi, and Diet Dr. Pepper. I will be the first person to tell you that I have no clue why I like them, because to be honest, they taste like straight asshole. Seriously though, when I made the move from regular to diet soda, I cringed at the thought of drinking diet pop. I'm not sure where I stopped detesting the horrific taste and actually started craving it, but it happened. I've started carrying a water bottle with me every day to avoid the urge to run to the nearest vending machine and buy a Diet Pepsi/Coke/Dr.Pepper. So far its working pretty well, except that whole caffeine withdrawal thing. I'm thinking about trying Advocare's Spark to have during the day when I need a little pick me up.

The other huge barrier in my clean eating journey, is the convenience factor of "dirty" food. I am so guilty of just picking the most easily prepared food rather than the most nutritious. I'm working on that too. I started trying to snack on fresh veggies and fruit rather than my previous go to snacks. I know that my diet and weight didn't get out of control overnight so its not going to fix itself overnight.

I'm pretty sure some good meal planning and preparation on the weekends will really help. So thats my plan for Sunday afternoon. Meal Planning>Grocery Shopping>Meal Prep

I'll try to post my plan and daily meals to make myself more accountable :)
Didn't have time to post this yesterday, so my post today is actually from Thursday. Sorrrryyyyy.